Collective Reading

Why is reading so important to us at Baysgarth school?

At Baysgarth we value the importance of the reading skills of our students; we know the significant impact that reading skills have on our students’ ability to do well at secondary school. We truly want our students to leave Baysgarth with the best possible GCSE grades as well as the skills to go on to achieve all of their ambitions in life. It has been proven that weak reading skills limit the life chances of young people but being a fluent reader with good literacy skills is the key to success.

Strong reading skills and habits positively affect:

15 minutes of reading a day is the “magic number” at which students start seeing substantial positive gains in reading achievement; students who read just over a half-hour to an hour per day see the greatest gains of all!

Therefore, at Baysgarth we offer our students 8 20 minute sessions of ‘reading for pleasure’ across the Week A and B timetable. This time is called Collective Reading. The strategy aims to engage every child in reading modern novels which will engage and intrigue as well as develop them as young people. Over the course of the year the aim is to read as many different fiction novels appropriate to their age, exposing our students to stories and issues connected to the world around them. By the time your child leaves Baysgarth they would have had the opportunity to read novels they may never have chosen to read before.

What happens during Collective Reading time?

Why does a staff member read to the students?

The Form Tutor will have the ability to model fluent, expert reading which is proven to develop the reading skills of our students. It can help to:

What are the other benefits of Collective Reading?

Here are just some of the novels we read in Collective Reading time!

Who are the 'Collective Reading Stars' and how is their Collective Reading time different?

A 'for the students, driven by the students' approach to Collective Reading time. For some of our students being read aloud to by a member of staff will not benefit them as their fluency and comprehension skills are above their actual age (as identified in the NGRT tests) already. Instead, being given the opportunity to explore novels which they may not have chosen and that still build their cultural capital is more important to their reading development.

Baysgarth's 'Collective Reading Stars' is a group where the students read in silence and independently for the duration of the Collective Reading time. They have their own micro library of 30 different titles (selected by the school) which they read and rotate over the course of the academic year. Each student has a 'book buddy' who reads the same novel as them at the same time so that at the end of reading it they can discuss their views and ideas relating to the issues explored. The students are responsible for completing the page tracker and are given a menu of flipped learning activities to complete after finishing their novels.

Being part of the Collective Reading Stars group is a privilege and an opportunity for our learners to develop their independance skills. Our students need to rank as having a significantly above average SAS score and must apply to be a part of the group, demonstrating their love of reading and their interest in exploring a range of diverse and modern novels.

Here are our Reading Stars novels!

What can you do to support your child with their reading habits and skills at home?